Welcome to Park Lake’s Virtual VBS 2020!
Sadly, due to COVID-19, this year we are not able to meet in person, so we are doing things a little differently. Each Wednesday in July, a Park Lake Virtual VBS Video will be posted on the Park Lake YouTube Page with all the great things you love about VBS!
Here is the video link for July 22, Week 4: Park Lake YouTube Page. You can find the July 1, July 8 and July 15, Weeks 1-3, videos on the Park Lake YouTube Page, or there is a Playlist of all the VBS Videos.
Today, we are at Surf Shack. The Surfers will learn the Bible story about Jesus Calming the Storm and will learn how God calms. They will also make a Craft. Here are the Jesus Calms the Storm Craft Instructions, the Weather and Boat Coloring Page and the Jesus and Disciples Coloring Page.
Here are some Surf Shack Coloring Pages.
Here are some Surf Shack Activity Pages.

Boat Snack
We will learn Movements to make waves and calm seas. We will make a yummy Boat Snack out of apple wedges, pretzel sticks and sliced cheese. Can you think of other ways to create a boat out of your favorite snacks?
The Mission Project this year is donating to the Food Bank at Washington Shores Presbyterian Church. Please donate macaroni and cheese or make a monetary donation at the end of July!
If you could please take a minute and complete a five question Feedback Survey, that will help us make Virtual VBS even better! https://forms.gle/D8qjFUbmQVYJvuhDA
To receive an email with the YouTube link and the Daily Newsletter, please email the church office, carolparklake@gmail.com.