Welcome to the final Park Lake Virtual VBS 2020 Video!
Sadly, due to COVID-19, this year we were not able to meet in person, so we did things a little differently. Each Wednesday in July, a Park Lake Virtual VBS Video was posted on the Park Lake YouTube Page with all the great things you love about VBS!
Here is the video link for July 29, Week 5: Park Lake YouTube Page. You can also find the July 1, 8, 15 and 22, Weeks 1-4 videos on the Park Lake YouTube Page or here is a Playlist of all the VBS Videos.
Today we are at G-Force. The Navigators will learn the Bible story about Four Friends Helping a Friend see Jesus. They will also make a Craft. Here are the Four Friends Help Craft Instructions and the Paralyzed Man and Bed Coloring Sheet.
Here are some G Force Coloring Pages.
Here are some G Force Activity Pages.

Friendship Trail Mix
We will learn Movements like passing a ball or teddy bear just like friends passed their friend through the roof down to Jesus. We will learn to make a Friendship Trail Mix Snack using snack foods like pretzels, Cheese-It’s, Goldfish crackers, cereal, chocolate chips, M & M’s and mini marshmallows. Plan a day and time to make your Friendship Trail Mix together with a friend while video chatting with them.
The Mission Project this year is donating to the Food Bank at Washington Shores Presbyterian Church. This week, please donate beans and rice or make a monetary donation! Please bring all of your food donations to Park Lake Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, August 4, between 11:00 – 1:00pm to the circle driveway on Highland Avenue by the Park Lake Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Building.
If you could please take a minute and complete a five question Feedback Survey, that will help us make Virtual VBS even better! https://forms.gle/D8qjFUbmQVYJvuhDA
Thanks for “attending” Virtual VBS this summer!