There is a compelling initiative called the Central Florida Pledge. The Pledge is based on work at Valencia College begun 15 years ago where educators set out guiding principles for their campus on “How We Treat Each Other.”
Park Lake is beginning a series called The Pledge Educational Series at Park Lake and will be hosting six events over the next two years, working through bias issues using the framework of the Central Florida Pledge.
The first event, November 14, is on homophobia/transphobia. The next in February 2025 will be on racism, then there will be one on misogyny, one on Islamophobia, another on Antisemitism, with a final event on Ableism.
In preparation of the Event on November 14, please complete the Harvard Implicit Bias Tests for homophobia and transphobia (those are two different tests) for usage in advance of November 14. You will need to navigate to the Sexuality IAT and/or the Transgender IAT. The testing is free and the results are private.
Here are the Bios of the presenters for Im Not Homophobic Am I for November 14.
We look forward to our conversation.
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