Worship In-person & Livestream - 10:30am
Sunday School - In-person & Zoom - 9:00am
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Souper Bowl of Caring

Park Lake Youth Group
February 9, 2025
Struble Hall, lower level of Education Building
after worship

All are welcome to enjoy fellowship and a soup lunch as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring following worship on February 9.

Park Lake Youth will once again participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring, collecting canned goods to benefit the Washington Shores Presbyterian Church food pantry, and accepting monetary donations to be used to purchase items for Park Lake’s Blessing Bag Ministry.

Monetary donations may be sent to the church office, placed in the collection plate, made online at the plpc.org Giving Page, or given to Erin Cook

Please bring in canned goods/non-perishable food items and monetary donations from Sunday, January 26th to Sunday, February 9th. 

Thank you for you support!