Several members of the Central Florida Presbytery Mission Team (including members of Park Lake) will be going to Peru July 11-15, 2023 to work with the street boys.
They will be holding a Vacation Bible School (VBS) and doing some work on the property.
Supplies are needed! If you can help by donating any of the following items, it would be greatly appreciated:
Crayola crayons
Elmer’s school glue
Construction paper
Fiskars scissors (left and right handed)
Soccer balls
Back packs
First Aid supplies: Aspirin tablets, Tylenol, Advil (adult & children), baby and adult multi vitamins, Band-Aids, Neosporin, alcohol wipes, etc.)
Anything that is related to VBS or non prescription medical supplies.
A bin is in Struble Fellowship Hall and in the Sanctuary marked PERU DONATIONS where you can drop your items.
Thank you for your support!