“Shoes for Shalom and Pants for Peace” is the Clothing Drive for the Christian Service Center (CSC) during the 4 Sundays of August.
The CSC needs new and gently used clothing in good condition to distribute in its Thrift Store which serves CSC clients who are given vouchers. CSC Thrift Store
vouchers are also shared with other local agencies assisting the homeless.
Bring your pants and shoes in August to put in the Planting Peace Garden on the chancel steps.
Here is a list of items that are greatly needed:
• Men’s shorts
• Men’s belts
• Men’s jeans
• Men’s black pants
• Men’s new socks & underwear
• Men’s shoes (casual, athletic/tennis, work shoes & construction boots)
• Men’s work clothes
• Women’s new underwear
• Women’s tennis shoes
• Women’s plus sizes
• Children’s new underwear (all sizes)