During this Advent Season, Park Lake is sponsoring Christmas gifts for children at two nonprofits, Grace Medical Home and Hope CommUnity Center.
Donations are being accepted to provide Christmas stockings and Christmas books to the pediatric patients at Grace Medical Home, one of Park Lake’s mission partners. Grace reflects the heart of Christ by offering the highest level of health care to the low-income, uninsured in Orange County including immigrant families.
Donations are also being accepted to sponsor toys for the children served at the Hope CommUnity Center in Apopka. Hope is a service learning community dedicated to the empowerment of Central Florida’s immigrant and working poor communities through education, advocacy, and spiritual growth.
Please find the “Angel Tree” in the west transept and choose how you can help bless a child this Christmas.
Donations may be sent to the church office, placed in the collection plate, made online at the plpc.org Giving Page, or given to Anne Vercheski.
Please have your donation in by December 8.
Thank you for showing the love of Christ to these children!