Special ZOOM Presentation
Take advantage of this rare opportunity for an important update on Alliance for International Reforestation’s (AIR) mission to improve the lives of indigenous Guatemalans. AIR’s founder, Anne Hallum, will be sharing the latest information about how AIR is meeting the environmental challenges in Central America.
Not only is AIR replanting thousands of trees in decimated forests, preventing mud slides, providing crop cover, and improving air quality; but AIR is also building fuel-efficient stoves, digging wells, utilizing cisterns, and educating the villagers and their next generation. As one of the five recipients of the Central Florida Presbytery’s PATH Special Offering, it is incumbent upon us to understand how our giving impacts the lives of the people we touch.
Please plan to participate in Anne’s Zoom presentation. To ensure your spot, contact:
The Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church office by December 1 to receive your Zoom invitation.
churchoffice@grace.to, 407-898-6571.