Worship In-person & Livestream - 10:30am
Sunday School - In-person & Zoom - 9:00am
You are loved. Come and see.

Special Interests

Park Lake Page Turners

Page Turners is a book club that meets at 10:00 a.m. in the Koinonia Sunday School classroom (located in the lower floor of the Sanctuary Building) on the fourth Thursday of each month. Please come for some great discussion. All adult readers are welcome!

For book titles or if you have questions, please email the Church Office.  Book selections can also be found in the Worship and Work monthly newsletter.

Stories to Tell

Stories to tell is a writing/story group that meets once a month encouraging and supporting one another on their writing path. Please contact the Church Office for further information.

The Potter’s Hand: Combining Art and Faith

Potter’s Hand is a creative ministry of Park Lake. In monthly gatherings, they explore new art techniques, learn from gifted artists, engage ways of understanding and articulating faith and beauty side by side. All are welcome! If you are interested in participating, contact Helen DeBevoise, helenparklake@gmail.com.