Children and youth are an essential part of the life of the church. Our goal is to nurture our children and youth into mature, faithful followers of Christ. As adults, we strive to live out the vows we make each time a new baby is joyfully baptized.
Sunday Mornings:
We believe in life long learning and believe it begins as a child. Please bring your child to worship and Sunday School, so they can participate in all the church has to offer.
Children’s Prayground, Nursery care and Children and Youth Sunday School Classes are held each Sunday.

Youth Scrabble Game
Youth Group:
Youth ages 6th through 12th grade participate in our Youth Group led by Meredith Walker Hampton, Tony Boada Davila and parents.
Youth connect each week:
- on Sundays for Sunday School and Worship
- See the Church Calendar for other events.
Please complete the Children and Youth Consent Form for event participation. This form will cover everything for one year from signature date. Please update with a new form for any changes that occur during the year. The Form will need to be notarized.
Poster for Road Trip to Montreat
Youth Mission Work:
Each summer, the Youth Group participates in two summer trips. The Senior High Youth attend the Youth Conference at the Montreat Conference Center in Montreat, NC. The Youth also attend Challenge to Change at Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center in Lithia, FL.
Three main fundraisers for their trips are:
- Hosting an Easter Morning Breakfast after the Easter Sunrise Service.
- Hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on a Wednesday after school begins where the youth reflect on their summer trips.
- Hosting a Thanksgiving Lunch after worship on a Sunday in November.
The Youth also participate in various mission activities throughout the year including gleaning with Society of St. Andrew, collecting canned goods and monetary donations which go to support local food banks during the Souper Bowl of Caring which occurs every Super Bowl Sunday, and the children and youth prepare Blessing Bags for the congregation to hand out to those in need.
Vacation Bible School (VBS):
Mark your calendar for next year’s VBS, July 7 – 11, 2025, from 9:00am – noon, for children ages 4 through 5th grade.
Please look for registration information on the Home Page in the spring of 2025.
Hope you can come!

Chaulking at family picnic
Family Events – Picnics, Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, Gingerbread House Build:
Park Lake is a family and strives to provide inter-generational gatherings throughout the year outside of worship.
Church wide picnics and family movie night are held periodically during the year.
A toddler friendly Easter Egg Hunt is held on Easter Saturday for our church family, friends and the community.
A Trunk or Treat is held before Halloween where children can come in costume, play games, make crafts and trick-or-treat.
Presbyterian Women’s Esther Circle holds a Gingerbread House Build during Advent to benefit Habitat for Humanity.

Park Lake Picnic

Easter Egg Hunt

Trunk or Treat

Gingerbread House Build