Campaign Brochure:
A message from your Campaign Chairman:
Dear Members and Friends of Park Lake:
This letter will provide you with the latest information on our 2016 Capital Campaign.
I have been asked to serve as the Chairperson of the Campaign and I wanted to give you an overview of the challenges this Campaign will address and opportunities for all to participate.
Why a Capital Campaign?
I explained in my minute for mission a couple of weeks ago, the overarching purpose of the Campaign is to continue to ensure the financial stability of the Church. The most pressing issue we confront is the mortgage debt on the hotel property.
While the task is significant, so are the people who make up our great Church.
Current Status of Mortgage Debt
We currently owe approximately $795,000 on the mortgage. Our original mortgage was $1.4 million so we have reduced that debt significantly over the years.
Our monthly mortgage payment is approximately $5,650.00. Each monthly payment reduces our principal balance by approximately $2,250.00. That means, of course, that we are chipping away at the debt each month. However, we pay interest every month on the mortgage and the lower the principal, the less interest we pay.
Mortgage Has Never Been Paid From Annual Budget
We have never paid our mortgage from our annual budget.
When we initially purchased the hotel property, the former owner leased it back from the Church for a few years. Those lease payments covered our monthly mortgage obligations. When the former owner stopped leasing the property, we began to pay the mortgage through funds from capital campaigns or other special gifts to the Church and continue to do so today.
As a result, we have periodically come to the congregation and friends of Park Lake asking them to commit the resources necessary to meet our mortgage obligations and we now need to do that again.
Campaign Goal
The goal of this Campaign is to eliminate the mortgage completely. While this is certainly a significant challenge, it is attainable with everyone’s help. As a demonstration of their leadership and commitment, each member of the Campaign Committee and Session has already made a financial commitment to the Campaign. We are asking everyone who is able to do so to contribute as well.
Campaign Structure and Timing
Like our prior campaigns, this Campaign will last for three years. This will give donors the ability to spread their gifts over several years. Of course, the earlier a commitment can be fulfilled, the better because we can apply that money against the mortgage sooner and pay less interest.
The Campaign will coincide with our annual stewardship campaign. You will be receiving more material about this Capital Campaign over the next three months.
Opportunity to Participate
While this Campaign is clearly about money, it is about something far more important – the continued stability of our Church. Our goal is to continue to have a financially stable Church so that we can continue the ministry that has been taking place at Park Lake Church for nearly 100 years.
With that understanding, we ask that everyone consider making as substantial a gift as possible. Simply stated, the more money we can raise, the quicker we can eliminate our mortgage.
Every member and friend of Park Lake has the opportunity to participate in some way in this Campaign.
In addition to the substantial gifts we hope will be made and pledged, the Campaign Committee fervently requests that everyone pray for the success of this Campaign both monetarily and spiritually. We also ask that everyone continue to think about ways Park Lake can continue to minister to its members, friends, our local community and internationally.
Thank you for your prayers as this Campaign progresses.
Daniel C. Johnson
A message from your Co-Pastors:
Dear members and friends of Park Lake,
There are moments in life when you know that a decision or action will have important consequences for years to come , even if you don’t know the specifics of those future consequences in the present. We’ve all faced such moments. Park Lake Presbyterian Church has faced such moments in its past and has acted with faith in God, gratitude for God’s many blessings, and joy at the chance to undertake challenging ministry and mission efforts for others.
We face such a moment now as a church. We have decided to try to eliminate Park Lake’s debt – the current mortgage on the hotel property. We are asking for your financial support of this decision.
Many of you will clearly remember Park Lake’s decision to purchase the hotel property in 2002. We purchased the property 14 years ago , to help us address changes in our location over the past 75 years, and provide opportunity for the church’s future over the next 75 years. It was the right decision then, making ministry and mission possible for Park Lake today and in the future, that we wouldn’t have otherwise.
Now we know the right decision today, is to free the church from the constraints of mortgage debt so that we can fully engage in the ministry and mission we believe God calls us to in the future. We are called to “live for Christ to reach lives for Christ” in a context that is constantly changing but always in need of the truth of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ.
The Capital Campaign Committee has prepared a small booklet (enclosed) that shares with you important information about this campaign. Please take time to read it and prayerfully consider how you can help Park Lake meet the challenge to eliminate its mortgage debt. We need you to join us in this important effort to provide for the future of Park Lake Presbyterian Church. Thank you for your faithful and wonderful support of Park Lake.
We are asking you to make a pledge to this Capital Campaign on Dedication Sunday, November 13, 2016. This pledge to the Capital Campaign is in addition to the annual stewardship pledge . In the next few weeks you will receive separate pledge cards: one for the capital campaign and one for the annual stewardship campaign, as well more information about both. We hope you will be able to be present, Sunday, November 13, to present both pledge cards as a part of worship. If you aren’t able to be present you will also receive envelopes you can use to return your pledges to the church at your earliest convenience.
We hope you will give the Capital Campaign your faithful support. Your contribution will make a difference in the future of Park Lake Presbyterian Church.
God bless you,
Dan and Helen DeBevoise