Worship In-person & Livestream - 10:30am
Sunday School - In-person & Zoom - 9:00am
You are loved. Come and see.


Park Lake is governed by the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Accordingly, Park Lake is guided by elected members of the congregation who are ordained as Elders to serve a three year term. Together, these Elders make up the Session which is the leadership council for our congregation.

Our Session prays, thinks and works together to discern the ways God is calling us into service and is responsible for the overall mission and governance of the church.

Our Session also includes our Co-Pastors, who act as moderators. Committees, made up of Elders and members of the congregation, oversee everything in the life of Park Lake from the preparation of the church’s financial budget, to organizing Christian Education classes, to mission and outreach.

Our Session and committees are made up of wonderful women and men with diverse talents and gifts. We are blessed by their service.

Session Minutes are available from the Church Office upon request. For more information, here is the Book of Order 2019 – 2021, The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) , Part II.

Elder Class of 2025:

Jim Bogner – Worship and Music and Administration Committees

Erin Cook – Christian Education Committee

Susan Gantt – Buildings and Grounds Committee

Linda Shrieves – Administration Committee and Clerk of the Session


Elder Class of 2026:

Mackenzie Bertram – Church Life and Membership Committee

Alice Fortunato – Mission Committee

Aaron Hull – Church Life and Membership Committee

Vicky Nicoll – Childcare Committee

Elder Class of 2027:

Nancy Jones

John Jenkins

Doug Lawton

Sue Thompson